Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How To Become Psychic

Methods To Become Psychic

1. Pretend you're psychic
Even if you don't think you are psychic, pretend that you are. This can put you in the habit of looking at things from many perspectives.

2. Follow a formal tradition or system

Some of the most popular psychic systems are astrology and tarot, but there are many other spiritual disciplines as well. Following a system provides you with a framework to expand upon with your own observations and experiences.

3. Discern fire, water, air, and earth

The Greek elements (fire, water, air, and earth) offer very simple, yet very deep and powerful archetypes. Try to guess which element a thing, action, or person has most. By practicing this you can learn to see how the world fits together.

4. Practice synesthesia

When you hear melody, try to imagine what it looks like. When you encounter a new smell, try to hear it. When you see a color, imagine how it feels to touch. Practicing synesthesia can help you connect things to one another, and this can result in psychic abilities such as seeing the aura of people.

5. Improve intuition through self-confidence

When you get a strange idea, don't be quick to dismiss it. Have trust in yourself - a strange idea can become a good idea. Have the self-confidence to think outside the box.

6. Face your fears

Fears are the greatest obstacles to psychic and spiritual progress. Facing your fears is the first step to overcoming them. Fears cause our hearts and minds to close, while a psychic needs the strength to have an open heart and an open mind.

7. Ignore naysayers

People tend to drag you down to their vision of what is normal. Ignore only those who respond out of fear and do not offer a sound reason for holding you back. (Welcome constructive criticism, but ignore fearful need of validation.)

8. Practice meditation

Through meditation you can learn to focus on the energies of your own mind and body. Introspection through meditation helps a psychic master and balance his or her own 'backyard' before venturing out into the vast multiverse.

9. Study science

Science is the ally and not the enemy of the psychic. By learning more about psychology, physics, mathematics, biology etc. you can complement subjective, psychic understanding with objective, scientific knowledge.

10. Learn to love

Unconditional love strengthens natural psychic defenses, improves understanding and perception. It also expands your identity as a human being and is the most essential way of interaction in the psychic realm.

Ways To Become A Psychic Medium

Ways To Become A Psychic Medium

To become a psychic medium it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages first.

The advantage is you might get information you wouldn't be able to get otherwise, and that you might develop a relationship with a non-physical entity. The disadvantage is you are playing with fire - some part of your energetic circuit will be 'burnt out' to allow the higher flow of psychic energies to circumvent your natural psychic defenses.

How to become a psychic medium? The first requirement is to desire (or need) that information so much that this risk becomes acceptable to you. The second requirement to become a psychic medium is to have the willpower to actually go through with it.

Where to start? The best way is to find a capable mentor whom you trust and are willing to follow. If that is not an option, practicing automatic writing might be a decent, less risky way to start. You can become aware of the interaction of your conscious and unconscious processes, and later on you can feel and decide on the 'texture' of psychic energies you wish to let through yourself.

Becoming a psychic medium can jump-start your psychic or spiritual progress, but it is not really a shortcut - even with help, you will have to travel the path yourself.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to Find A Good Psychic Reader

How to Find A Good  Psychic Reader:

Local psychics provide a venue for many to explore the spiritual realm with a spiritualist. Many people come to local psychics regarding questions about their love lives. Others contact local mediums to make contact with the other side. Unfortunately, not all psychic mediums operate with the purest of intentions. Many charlatans exist in the psychic readings communities that seek only to part you with as much of your hard-earned money as possible. 

Identifying a good psychic versus a con artist can be difficult. Mainly because we want to believe, these spiritualists hold our best interests at heart. Emotional distress also makes it easier for these fraudulent psychics to perpetrate their crimes.

Although many different types of psychic frauds exist, one of the most common includes the need to pay money to remove a curse. Generally, the psychic reader will convince the "mark" that a curse is responsible for the tragedies unfolding in their lives. Moreover, this curse manifests itself as a direct result of the individual's attachment to material possessions. Therefore, the only way the person is able to remove the curse is by showing that they have forsaken materialism by emptying their bank accounts and giving the money to the psychic reader to dispose of in a symbolic gesture. Of course, the curse does not really exist and the only spiritually symbolic transfer of money that occurs is from the victim's bank account to the psychic reader's pocket.

Another common type of fraud involves demons. The psychic claims that a demon plagues the victim stating that only a sacred ritual will remove the demon from the victim's life. The psychic reader then requires the victim to provide the money to buy the very expensive candles, oils, and talismans to ward off the demonic entity. This is a big red flag and if your psychic reader ever says to you that a demon is tormenting you get out fast!

A more innocuous type of fake reading is the cold reading. Generally, the psychic or medium uses information like a wedding ring, a picture of a child in your wallet, or some bit of information gained through observation to give you a reading. This type of psychic reading offers very little spiritual value to the recipient. Many mentalist and psychic entertainers use cold readings to amaze their audience. Beyond pure entertainment value, however, cold readings do not provide any psychic insight or spiritual value to the questioner.

Although many psychic frauds exist in the world, many legitimate psychics also exist. They provide reputable readings with honesty and integrity. Finding the right spiritualist requires that you perform your due diligence before hiring them. Ultimately, as with any purchase it is buyer beware. Therefore, make sure you do your homework before you hire a psychic reader. A great place to start is the Better Business Bureau or your local chamber of commerce. Not only will you find listings of legitimate psychic business owners but also you can find out about any complaints against them.

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Author of this Article : Frederick Gimino